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Samsung plans to remove Google from its smartphones to replace it with Bing

Samsung plans to remove Google from its smartphones to replace it with Bing

Samsung plans to remove Google from its smartphones to replace it with Bing

Google is completely redesigning the operation of its search engine with the aim of achieving a more personalized user experience using artificial intelligence (AI) technology, as other companies such as Microsoft with Bing and which already attracts firms such as samsung.

Known internally as Magi Projecta multidisciplinary team of 160 company workers is creating new features to “try to anticipate the needs of users,” according to The New York Times.

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This newspaper points out that this modification of its current engine is due to the fact that it has recently been known that Samsung was considering replacing Google with the microsoft search engineBing, as the default system.

This would be due to the latest innovations that it presents, based on AI, among which the image creator based on the Dall-E model, Bing Image Creator, which generates written and visual content “in one place”, stands out. as the company explained last month on its official blog.

Considering this move as “a serious threat” for the Google search business, this is now focused on “bring new features AI powered to the search”as explained by Google spokeswoman, Lara Levin.

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Project Magi, for its part, is in the early stages and its schedule is not yet established. It is only known that the system in which Google works would be able to know what users want to search for and that it would offer personalized lists with different product options. to buy or information that might interest you.

The New York Times has also advanced that Google’s AI would have the ability to hold conversations with users and that the new version of the search engine will add functions to the existing search engine, according to documents to which this medium has had access.

This project, which would also feature ads embedded in search results, would initially reach a group of a million peopleso they can test and approve your features.

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Then, it would be extended to about 30 million more by the end of the year, although at the moment these functions are only expected to be available exclusively for users in the United States.


Another of the AI ​​capabilities that Google is working on is to improve Google Earth searches or the search for music and songs by requesting them from a chatbot, as a company executive has qualified in another document.

Google is also currently preparing GIFI, a tool that would use this technology to generate images in Google Images results, as well as Tivoli Tutor, which is presented as an aid to learn languages ​​through written conversations.

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Additionally, Searchalong would allow users to ask a chatbot questions while browsing the web through Chrome. Thus, it would be able to find what to do according to a certain location, for example, near an apartment or house rented by Airbnb.

Google hopes to convince users that its search tool is as “powerful, competent and contemporary” like its competitors, as indicated in an interview by the former vice president of Sales and Services of Google, Jim Lecinski.

Source: Elcomercio

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