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NASA reveals images of one of the most dangerous threats in space: supermassive black holes

NASA reveals images of one of the most dangerous threats in space: supermassive black holes

NASA reveals images of one of the most dangerous threats in space: supermassive black holes

A new animation POT highlights the “super” in supermassive black holes. These monsters lurk at the centers of most large galaxies, including our own Milky Way, and contain anywhere from 100,000 to tens of billions of times more mass than our Sun.

Any light that crosses the event horizon, the black hole’s point of no return, is trapped forever, and any light that passes near it is redirected by the black hole’s intense gravity. Together, these effects produce a “shadow” about twice the size of the black hole’s actual event horizon.

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The animation shows 10 very large black holes taking center stage in their host galaxies, including the Milky Way and M87, represented to scale by the size of their shadows. Starting near the Sun, the camera is constantly moving back to compare black holes larger and larger with different structures in our solar system.

The first is 1601+3113, a dwarf galaxy that hosts a black hole with a mass of 100,000 suns. Matter is so compressed that even the shadow of the black hole is smaller than our Sun.

A NASA animation measures the largest black holes in the universe. (Photo: NASA) (NASA /)

The black hole at the heart of our own galaxy, called the Sagittarius A star, counts the weight of 4.3 million suns according to long-term monitoring of the stars in orbit around it. Its shadow diameter spans about half the orbit of Mercury in our solar system.

The animation shows two monstrous black holes in the galaxy known as NGC 7727.. Located about 1,600 light-years away, one weighs 6 million solar masses and the other more than 150 million suns. Astronomers say the pair will merge in the next 250 million years.

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At the largest scale in the animation is the black hole of M87, now with an updated mass of 5.4 billion suns. Its shadow is so big that even a ray of light, traveling at 1 billion kphit would take about two and a half days to cross it, reports NASA.

The movie ends with TON 618, one of a handful of extremely distant and massive black holes for which astronomers have direct measurements. This giant contains more than 60 billion solar masses and has a shadow so large that it would take a ray of light weeks to pass through it.

Source: Elcomercio

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