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Mother’s Day: how to choose the best fixed or mobile internet plan for her?

Mother’s Day: how to choose the best fixed or mobile internet plan for her?

Mother’s Day: how to choose the best fixed or mobile internet plan for her?

A few days after the Mother’s Day, the question that haunts the heads of thousands of Peruvians is what to give them. If the option is a line mobileNothing better than contracting a plan according to your needs, and to find out which would be the best plan, you can enter the tool “check your plan” of the Supervisory Agency for Private Investment in Telecommunications (OSIPTEL), which allows you to compare the plans and rates offered by the operating companies for mobile and fixed internet services.

In this way, users can evaluate all the fixed and mobile internet plans that the operating companies have on the market and compare their characteristics. In addition, you can choose the service to evaluate, either alone or packaged (in duos or trios).

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The “Check your plan” tool has been recently updated and now allows to identify and contrast the fixed internet plans available in 1571 districts nationwide. In this way, users can take control of their decisions and choose between the plans offered by 52 operating companies nationwide National, the one that best suits your needs.

The new interface of the tool allows users of the fixed internet service to compare the plans and rates of the operating companies through a selection filter by district that shows the plans available by geographical area at the national level, according to the information that was registered or reported by the operating companies to OSIPTEL.

It is important to highlight that in “Check your plan” the information on the rates of the postpaid plans of the four mobile service operators with networks is also available.

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In addition, to facilitate the calculation of data and speed necessary for mobile or fixed internet plans, “Check your plan” has virtual calculators on which you can project the mobile internet data consumption information in gigabytes (GB) or fixed internet connection speed in megabits per second (Mbps) and, with this, choose the rate proposal that best suits what the user really requires.

For example, to estimate the connection speed of the fixed internet service, the calculation is based on the number of devices that are used simultaneously in the home to watch videos or listen to music (through streaming), attend video conferences, play games online. and surf the internet. You can also approximate the internet speed for your home, considering the number of family members, by choosing this option in the “Check your plan” calculator.

In the case of mobile internet, the average monthly consumption total data result in gigabytes (GB) will come from the average data used for watching videos, listening to music, receiving emails, browsing and playing games online, as well as network applications. social favorites for daily use.

Source: Elcomercio

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