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What kind of fireballs are observed in the sky of Japan?

A long streak of light, hot as a meteor, breaks and illuminates the night sky of the Japanese island of Okinawa.

The video shows “this fireball” moving slowly through the night. The phenomenon occurred at 20:33 Wednesday (11:33 GMT) and was noticed by many residents and Internet users.

The “slow speed” and “the way the light moved, with parallel strands of light, looked exactly like debris flying into the atmosphere from a rocket,” commented an unnamed source at Japan’s National Astronomical Observatory antenna headquarters. (NAOJ) in Ishigaki, in the Okinawa archipelago.

Debris likely fell into the ocean

“Perhaps this is the wreckage of a rocket launched by China in November,” the official added. “Information indicates that part of the rocket was supposed to re-enter the atmosphere” around the same time. The wreckage likely fell into the ocean and poses no danger, he continued, citing predictions of the path they might have taken.

If this is indeed rocket debris, then this is not the first case of its kind. On November 4, 2022, France and Spain had to close part of their airspace after an uncontrolled Chinese missile crash.

Either way, the show couldn’t help but interest Okinawans and netizens alike. One of them gave this fireball a “weeping sakura” look, he tweeted.

Source: Le Parisien

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