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YuMi, the robot that is reforesting the Amazon rainforest with cloud technology

The robots They are not just for fun. YuMi is a robot that has been working for the reforestation of the Amazon jungle, as a pilot project, and to complement the work of specialists who seek to conserve forests.

The robot was created by ABB Robotics, and that already in 2019 had presented it to the world as the world’s first collaborative robot that works with people in factories. Now he demonstrates his skills in a project of the organization Junglekeepers of the United States.

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According to the EcoInventos page, the mission is to protect more than 22,000 hectares of jungle and reverse deforestation. It even has a presence in the Peruvian Amazon along with volunteers who can now use their time and energy in other activities.

That is, the robot helps automate highly repetitive tasks. This is noticeable in the high-speed planting process, which requires manual effort.

What it does is quite simple: it makes a hole in the ground, places the seed, compacts the soil and marks it with a label. But at the pace of a man this would take time. According to the report, YuMi can replant an area equivalent to two football fields every day.

Although the robot works autonomously, another detail is that it can be controlled remotely with cloud technology, from anywhere in the world.

Source: Elcomercio

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