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Deucalion, the supercomputer that can execute 10 million trillion calculations per second

Deucalion, the supercomputer that can execute 10 million trillion calculations per second

Deucalion, the supercomputer that can execute 10 million trillion calculations per second

The Portuguese Government has inaugurated this Wednesday at the University of Minho the supercomputer Deucalionthe fastest in the country, capable of executing 10 million trillion calculations per second and which will serve to promote fields such as medicine or artificial intelligence.

Deucalion, which has come hand in hand with the European Joint Undertaking for High Performance Computing (EuroHPC), has required an investment of 20 million euros, of which 35% belongs to EuroHPC community funds and 65% from other funds, such as the Portuguese State Budget, according to the Portuguese Government.

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“It is a new milestone towards our mission to make Europe a world leader in high-performance computing,” said the executive director of EuroHPC, Anders Dam Jensen, in statements released by the European entity during the inauguration.

The computer, located in the northern town of Guimarães, has 1,900 meters of fiber optics, has 2,359 high-speed cables, weighs 26 tons, and is made up of 26 cabinets of two meters each.

This is the place where Portugal’s supercomputer is located. (Photo: (Nuno Goncalves/)

The computer has a weight of 26 tons.  (Photo:

The computer has a weight of 26 tons. (Photo: (Nuno Goncalves/)

It can be used for the academic, business and public administration sectors and, according to the Government, it will help speed up the analysis of large volumes of data from sectors such as personalized medicine, the design of drugs and new materials, Earth observation and oceans and the fight against climate change and fires, among other fields.

The authorities inaugurated the equipment consisting of 26 cabinets.  They prepare to walk into the corridor that divides the computer.  (Photo:

The authorities inaugurated the equipment consisting of 26 cabinets. They prepare to walk into the corridor that divides the computer. (Photo: (Nuno Goncalves/)

They expect it to support more than 200 projects each year and it will be accessible to the scientific community through access contests launched by the government agency Foundation for Science and Technology, although it will also accept specific agreements in the areas of Innovation and Public Administration.

Deucalion, the seventh of this type of EuroHPC in the European Union and the only one currently available in Portugal, will enter the Top500 supercomputers in the world.

Portugal had another supercomputer called BOB with a smaller capacity that was recently disconnected due to the arrival of its successor.

Source: Elcomercio

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