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The European Union could withdraw the iPhone 12 from the market for exceeding the maximum radiation level

The European Union could withdraw the iPhone 12 from the market for exceeding the maximum radiation level

The European Union could withdraw the iPhone 12 from the market for exceeding the maximum radiation level

The temporary withdrawal from the market of iPhone12 in France due to the emissions of too powerful waves could spread to the entire European Union (EU), as admitted this Thursday by a spokeswoman for the European Commission.

“At the moment Member States are examining the restrictions and will decide whether to raise objections or not. And depending on whether there are objections or not, there will be consequences in the internal market. But for the moment we are waiting for the reactions of the Member States, the Commission is not taking measures at the moment, it is waiting.”said spokesperson Sonya Gospodinova at the daily press conference of the Community Executive.

LOOK: France withdraws the iPhone 12 from the market for exceeding the limit of permitted radiation

On Wednesday, France notified the Commission and the rest of the Union countries of the measures taken to restrict the sale and circulation of the iPhone12 in France.

The community spokesperson specified the process followed in this type of situation, which begins with notifications between Member States, an obligation imposed by the Radio Equipment Directive, applicable in the EU internal market.

Each Member State that takes measures to restrict the circulation of household appliances must notify the other EU countries, the spokesperson said.

Asked if France’s veto on the iPhone12 could be extended to the entire European territory, the same spokesperson acknowledged that “Indeed, it could be the case”.

French authorities on Tuesday asked Apple to temporarily remove the iPhone 12 from the French market because it emits too powerful waves.

The National Frequency Agency (ANFR) verified in a series of tests that telephones of that model exceed the specific energy absorption rate (DAS in French) and asked Apple “implement all available means to quickly remedy this dysfunction”.

This organization detailed in a statement that, as part of its mission to monitor the radioelectric equipment market and control the population’s exposure to electromagnetic waves, it carries out analyzes on mobile phones sold in the French market.

DAS emissions for a phone placed in a pocket or hand must be a maximum of 4W/kg, according to European regulations, and the analysis of 141 iPhone 12 phones showed an average value of 5.74, the ANFR added.

For this reason, it has asked Apple to quickly take measures to correct the energy emissions of these phones and, failing that, it must permanently remove them from the market.

Source: Elcomercio

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