Tom DeLonge is heavily involved in UFO research – and isn’t convinced there are benevolent beings within them (Photo: Richard Isaac/REX/Shutterstock)

The aliens are here and may have wiped out ancient civilizations because they disobeyed.

That’s a theory from Blink-182 star Tom DeLonge, and it’s not as common as it seems.

A warning. There is no evidence that the Mayans, the Indus, or the Easter Islanders met a particularly gruesome end at the hands of aliens (or anything like that).

But when it comes to otherworldly things, DeLonge is no armchair expert.

In 2017, he even founded the To The Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences, with a particular focus on the study of unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP), the preferred name for UFOs in 2023.

The Academy gained notoriety in the field by working with the New York Times to publish three now infamous UFO videos, and was even cited as evidence at the US Congressional hearing in July, where three witnesses testified about their own experiences with UAP.

DeLonge strongly believes in the presence of UFOs (Photo: Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty)

DeLonge continued writing that day

However, it is interesting that on the one hand he is calling for greater transparency, but on the other hand he believes that decades of government silence may be due to the need to protect the public.

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“I think it was probably a lot of fear at first,” he said in an interview with Newsweek. “You hardly have anything to do with the Second World War.” [being] About… Crashes started. We fought the whole war, but then accidents happened and they found vehicles and occupants and they didn’t know what it was. They say, “Where did these come from?”

“Then they start to delve into people’s encounters, and people connect, and then not all the stories are good, people get hurt, and things change.”

It’s no secret that the discovery of an advanced form of extraterrestrial intelligence would have profound consequences for humanity – the discovery that our species is neither special nor alone in the vastness of the universe.

With Blink-182 bandmate Mark Hoppus at Coachella in April

With Blink-182 band member Mark Hoppus at Coachella in April (Photo: Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty)

However, when it comes to UFOs in our own atmosphere, skeptics often point out that it is difficult to go unnoticed because teams around the world are deliberately and constantly looking for them.

DeLonge also has an answer to that.

“They look into our minds and our DNA and over time they discover that these things may not have come from other planets. These spacecraft seem to be doing things in the sky that have to do with frequency,” he told Newsweek.

“And then there’s the decades-long understanding of the universe, the world around us, and we say, ‘Oh my God, these things can happen over time.’

“It’s like every time we discover something, it’s so much bigger and more complex and potentially harmful to us in different ways.”

This damage includes the destruction of those who oppose their presence on Earth.

“I think one side doesn’t know how to fight back because we don’t fully understand it,” he said. “There is also a side that could be the other side.” [reluctant to] I want us to know that they are here because what they are doing is not right.

“And if we were to just come out and say, ‘Hey, it’s all here,’ we don’t know what reaction that will cause. Will they do something terrible?

“Someone told me they wondered if extinct civilizations were evidence of those who disobeyed? You do not know.’

The relationship between ancient civilizations and aliens is turbulent – ​​and, to be clear, completely hypothetical.

From the building of the pyramids and Stonehenge to the extinction of the dinosaurs, when something in history has no clear explanation, aliens are always ready to step in and fill the gap.

And even today, DeLonge claims that aliens may be our secret puppet masters, keeping humanity in constant turmoil and keeping us from reaching our full potential.

“I think people need to prepare themselves for the hard truth that some of this is really bad. “What they’re doing is bad, but some of it is good,” he said.

“And some of this will create a better situation for humanity. I guess when we find out, we’ll all know [beliefs] are completely superficial and perhaps intended to divide us.

“So when the world comes together and accepts nature as it is, and we learn the different capabilities we have… and what we can do as humanity and as people, things will really change.” And we will come together and make breakthroughs once we understand the universe. I think that’s the real benefit.”

The utopian dream of humanity rising as one against a common enemy is far from a new theory – see many Hollywood films, including ‘Independence Day’ – but for believers it could provide a reassuring twist to a situation that stretches their limits of power. exceeds.

Coachella Valley Music and Arts Festival 2023 - Weekend 1 - Day 1

His belief in UFOs is often reflected in the band’s music (Photo: Matt Winkelmeyer/Getty)

Many were heartened to see the administration taking the situation so seriously by holding the hearing this summer, finally putting a legitimate spotlight on an issue that has for so long been the domain of conspiracy theorists and loose cannons.

However, what comes out of it depends on your point of view. Few now deny the existence of UAP, but are they aliens or secret military operations? Is the government playing a big double bluff by giving Team UFO more airtime to distract from the development of advanced weapons? Is it even possible to discuss UAP without sounding a little paranoid about something?

Today that may be less the case, and it is clear that DeLonge was never concerned with such achievements, but only with his own work in the field. But after the hearing, his position received a significant boost in legitimacy – and a surprising relaxation among officials.

“The U.S. government, along with all of our allies around the world, has been at the forefront of disinformation to the public for more than 70 years, trying to make people feel stupid and not real,” he said .

“But they actually had good reasons for it.” They needed time to understand it, and they needed time to develop a plan to deal with it.

“So it’s partly their fault, but partly for good reason.”