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YouTube tests AI feature that summarizes and organizes video comments

YouTube has started testing a new feature powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) capable of summarizing and organizing the comments of a video according to its theme, as well as a conversational AI tool to ask questions about content related to the theme of the video being viewed, without interrupting playback.

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The company continues to work to improve the user experience on the platform, as well as to facilitate content creation, through AI-powered features such as Dream Screen tool to generate funds for the shorts or the feature Aloud automatic dubbingwhich were announced at their event Made On YouTube in the month of September.

Now, YouTube has begun testing two new features powered by generative AI designed to improve viewing experienceit is an option to organize the comments of a video according to the topics being discussed and a conversational chatbot.

A picture taken on October 5, 2021 in Toulouse shows the logo of Youtube social media displayed by a tablet and a smartphone. (Photo by Lionel BONAVENTURE / AFP) (LIONEL BONAVENTURE/)

Thus, as the platform has explained in a statement on its support page, the AI-summarized comment topic tool aims to help the user “easily understand and participate in feedback conversations”.

In this sense, YouTube will automatically organize large comment sections on long-form videos, to divide them into “easily digestible” topics. To access the comments organized and divided by themes, just enter the comments of the video and Click on the new Themes option.

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As detailed by the company, this function is also useful for content creators, who can use the comment summaries to participate “more quickly” in discussions about the topics covered in the video or even search inspiration for new content based on what your audience thinks or proposes.

On the other hand, the creators also You can delete topics by deleting comments that appear collected in said topic individually.

In addition to all this, YouTube has clarified that the themes of each video are extracted only from the published comments. Therefore, cannot be created from “for review” comments, as well as the comments that include blocked words or that have been posted by blocked users.

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YouTube has also started testing a conversational AI tool. It’s about a chatbot to which users can ask questions related to the topic of the video that they are viewing, as well as request content recommendations related or other similar issues.

As the company has stressed, users will be able to interact with conversational AI while viewing the video, without having to pause playback. In this way, it will be enough to Click on the Question about this video tab to display the chat, located next to the icons to share and download the video.

Both topic summary in comments and conversational AI are part of the YouTube experiments, so they are still functions in testing. In this sense, for the moment they will only have access some eligible users, subscribed to YouTube Premium.

Source: Elcomercio

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