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WhatsApp, Facebook, Messenger and Instagram are resetting little by little after a worldwide drop of 6 hours

WhatsApp, Facebook, Messenger and Instagram are resetting little by little after a worldwide drop of 6 hours

WhatsApp, Facebook, Messenger and Instagram are resetting little by little after a worldwide drop of 6 hours

The social networks and instant messaging applications WhatsApp, Facebook, Messenger and Instagram, registered a progressive return to normality after suffering a worldwide drop for more than 6 hours. The sending and receiving of messages on the different platforms was reported.

Different Twitter users were the first to announce the ‘normality’ of all these social networks; however, at the moment there is no official pronouncement.

Some people have managed to send messages for constant minutes, while others have only been able to receive them.

The fall of these applications generated great confusion and uncertainty throughout the Internet. Hacks, technical problems and even domain sales were speculated as the main causes.

Fall from Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram

It’s not the first time that Mark Zuckerberg’s company’s apps have crashed in a big way. One of the usual consequences of a massive drop in WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram is that the other social networks that still work end up saturated.

According to the DownDetector website, the problems come from countries as far away as Bangladesh, Malaysia or China and other closer ones such as Argentina, Mexico or the United States, which have in common the massive isolation through these platforms.

The first reports of the global fall began at 10:00 a.m. with a short message that did not give space to foreshadow the extent of the problem: “Sorry, something went wrong (we are working on it and will fix it as soon as possible)”, it was read in Facebook.

Since the crash, nearly 100,000 users have reported that Instagram it’s giving them trouble. In the case of WhatsApp has exceeded 33,000 reports and in that of Facebook more than 126,000.

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