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Study reveals that Google offers worse results than before

Study reveals that Google offers worse results than before

Study reveals that Google offers worse results than before

The content that search engines offer in the results has worsened in quality, a problem that is linked to highly optimized affiliate content, which is promoted in marketing strategies.

Search engines allow access to the information published on the Internet, which is increasingly extensive, through results that are intended to answer the questions raised by users.

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However, The quality of the content offered in the results has been questioned in recent years, something that is usually identified in their poor quality.. But a new approach suggests that the cause may be in the affiliate marketingthat is, publications that promote services or products and that generate a profit when clicking on their link.

Search engines use automated systems to display results, in principle, those that may be most useful to the user. These results are shown based on a classification system that, at least as Google assures, takes into account current events, location and authority of the sources, among other issues.

But Among the results there are also sponsored content and advertisements, and those who publish the content can resort to techniques that improve your positioning (SEO) to propel them to more prominent positions.

Google Chrome. (Photo: Pexels)

Researchers from the German universities of Leipzig, Bauhaus and ScaDS have monitored three popular search engines for a year, Google, Bing and DuckDuckGoto determine how affiliate content affects results.

Specifically, they have focused on product reviews from 7,392 search requests, a type of content that they consider “particularly vulnerable” to affiliate marketing, taking into account web positioning techniques, as stated in the text of their research. .

From here they have been able to determine that “only a small proportion of product reviews on the web use affiliate marketing”, but that the majority of all search results do make use of this strategy.

They have also detected a “strong relationship” between affiliate content and web positioning techniques, which means that “the best-ranked pages are on average more optimized, more monetized with affiliate marketing and show signs of low text quality.” ”.

Thus, they have observed a “inverse relationship between the use of affiliate marketing and the complexity of the results”, in which the three search engines analyzed fall. But also that The line between benign and spam content has been blurred, “a situation that will surely worsen after generative artificial intelligence,” they point out.

Thus, they conclude that “web search is a game dynamic with many players, some with bad intentions,” but that it is difficult to analyze, and therefore deserves more attention in the future.

Source: Elcomercio

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