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Did you get an alert on your cell phone?  This is how Google’s system works in the event of an earthquake

Did you get an alert on your cell phone? This is how Google’s system works in the event of an earthquake

Did you get an alert on your cell phone?  This is how Google’s system works in the event of an earthquake

During the afternoon a earthquake was presented in Lima. It was perceived by some people, others did not realize it, however, another group of people knew about it. earthquake thanks to an alert that reached their cell phones during the earthquake.

This is the Android earthquake alert system or Android Earthquake Alerts System (AEAS), a free service that detects and notifies the place where an earthquake is occurring.

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What should be noted is that the initial reading given about the earthquake is not entirely accurate. In the first message that arrived, the system indicated that the estimated magnitude was 5.2. However, the Geophysical Institute of Peru (IGP) reported that the earthquake was 5.4 magnitude.

The location was in Huaral, with a depth of 57 kilometers. What are these differences due to? How does Google’s system work?

As the company notes on its blog, Android’s earthquake alert system detects earthquakes around the world, and can even alert Android users before the shaking begins.

For this it has two functions. First, in the United States they work with ShakeAlert to disseminate alerts provided by a network of 1,675 seismic sensors to detect earthquake tremors and analyze that data to determine the location and magnitude of the earthquake.

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Outside some states of the North American country, the crowdsourcing strategy applies. “All mobile phones contain very small accelerometers that can detect vibrations and speed, signals that indicate that an earthquake could be occurring,” the page indicates.

Through a communication system, a Google central office is informed and the information is retransmitted to users. In other words, the designed method uses the more than 2 billion Android phones around the world as mini-seismographs to create the earthquake detection network.

Now, it is also specified that there are two types of alerts (danger alert and alert to take action) and in both cases a message is only sent in the event of earthquakes of magnitude 4.5 or greater.

Source: Elcomercio

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