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YouTube intensifies its fight against the use of ‘adblockers’

Youtube has reinforced its measures against the use of ad blockers, which now include third-party applications focused on this type of use, which violate its terms of service and, therefore, will not be able to use its Application Programming Interface (API). .

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The streaming video platform began implementing measures against the use of ad blocking programs in May of last year, preventing free accounts that used these programs from playing videos. The user was then informed via a notification that if they wanted to continue watching the video, they had to stop using the blockers or register as a YouTube Premium subscriber.

Later in the summer, YouYube’s actions against the use of blockers intensified, as it began to block the use of the player after three videos if users used these programs to avoid advertising. Already in November 2023, the company confirmed that it was launching “a global effort” against the use of ad blockers on the platform because, as it explained, it considers that these represent “a violation of the terms of service.”

Although these measures have fulfilled the platform’s objective, causing programs such as AdGuard and Ghostery to register a greater number of uninstallations, Google has announced that it is implementing concrete measures against third-party applications, specifically ad blocking applications.

Now, users who watch YouTube videos through a third-party ad blocking app may encounter buffering issues – the process that allows video files to play smoothly on devices – or see an error message that notes that “The following content is not available in this application.”

Thus, as YouTube has clarified in a publication on its help page, from now on, third-party applications that disable ads are not allowed in its terms of service, so they will not be able to use its API.

Specifically, he explained that they are programs that “prevent the creator from being rewarded by the audience,” and recalled that ads on YouTube help support content creators and allow “billions of people around the world to ” use the service.

In this sense, YouTube has stressed that they understand that some users prefer a “completely ad-free” experience and, to this end, they have recalled that they offer a subscription to YouTube Premium.

With all this, YouTube has specified that it will only allow third-party applications to use its API when they comply with the guidelines of its API Services Terms of Service. Therefore, when they find an application that violates these terms, the platform will proceed to “take appropriate measures to protect the platform, creators and viewers.”

Source: Elcomercio

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