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14 years ago the first commercial transaction was made with Bitcoin: two pizzas were bought

14 years ago the first commercial transaction was made with Bitcoin: two pizzas were bought

14 years ago the first commercial transaction was made with Bitcoin: two pizzas were bought

This May 21 marks 14 years since the day the first commercial transaction was carried out with bitcoin of history and the story has as its protagonist the purchase of two pizzas, which at the time cost 10,000 bitcoins.

This amount currently equivalent to a value of almost 650 million dollars and that is the reason why it was baptized as the Bitcoin Pizza Day.

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“In the short term we cannot predict the behavior of bitcoin, but in the long term it has proven to be an asset that tends to rise, which has driven investment by people and companies in this cryptocurrency, maintaining demand and increasing its price. This year several historical bitcoin records have been broken, and taking into account the history of the last halvings, It is likely that its value will continue to increase,” says Daniel González, Crypto specialist at Bitso.

If during Bitcoin Pizza Day in 2023, a person had invested a thousand dollars in bitcoin and saved the amount for a year, by this year they would have the equivalent of $2,400, which represents a year-on-year increase of 140%.

Now, according to Wicked, There are approximately 13.5 million bitcoins (about 880 billion dollars) that have been held for more than a year, of this figure 6.2 million bitcoins have been safeguarded for 5 years or more, which is equivalent to more than 400 billion dollars.

In line with that same use, this year bitcoin ETFs (exchange-traded funds) were approved, making it the first cryptocurrency to enter the stock market in the United States.

To touch on the panorama in the region, according to the Crypto Panorama report in Latin America, presented by Bitso in early 2024, Bitcoin represents approximately 53% of wallets in Latin America, where it also has a high purchase preference, since for the second half of 2023 it represented 38% of the total coins acquired through the platform, which is a reflection of the preference to protect bitcoins as an investment asset.

“El Tiempo” of Colombia, GDA

Source: Elcomercio

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