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The four books that Bill Gates recommends you must read

Bill Gatesthe co-founder of Microsoft and billionaire philanthropist, made a list of four books that he recommends reading in this 2024 season.

When found in the USA, these are their recommendations for summer, but they apply well to winter in our southern hemisphere. According to Gates on his personal blog, his recommendations are united by “the idea of ​​service to others: why we do it, the things that can make it difficult, and why we should do it anyway.”

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Gates, who currently dedicates most of his activity to the campaigns of the Bill & Melinda Gates Charitable Foundationargues that the idea of ​​service “is as relevant today as it ever was”: “In a time where wars dominate the headlines and our politics become more and more polarized, it is inspiring to appreciate those who help others and think like “We can be more generous with our own lives.”

That’s why, recommended four books to the public that he believes reflect the vocation of service which the tech guru wants to inspire. According to him, these are texts that he read recently and that, in his retrospective when making the list of recommendations, he noticed that they were linked by this inspiring idea.

The four books that Bill Gates recommends to read this season

Source: Elcomercio

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