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AI favors the spread of false information about the Holocaust, UNESCO warns

The artificial intelligence Generative AI favors the spread of false information about the Holocaust, which can fuel anti-Semitism and alter our relationship with historical truth, UNESCO warned on Tuesday.

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“If we allow these terrible facts of the Holocaust to be sugarcoated, distorted or falsified through the irresponsible use of AI, we risk a rapid spread of anti-Semitism and a decline in our understanding of the causes and consequences of these atrocities,” said the director. UNESCO General, Audrey Azoulay, in a statement.

The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization released this publication in collaboration with the World Jewish Congress, on the occasion of the International Day to Counter Hate Speech.

Generative AI models, such as ChatGPT, which create texts, photographs, sounds and videos based on language searches, can invent events from the Second World War that never happened, UNESCO warns.

In February, Google’s generative intelligence app Gemini caused a stir by creating images of Nazis with black skin.

ChatGPT, which introduced generative AI to the general public when it was launched by OpenAI in 2022, invented the concept of “Holocaust by drowning”, according to which the Nazis would have massively drowned Jewish people in lakes and rivers during World War II . Pure inventions without historical foundation, criticized UNESCO.

AI favors conspiratorial thinking, insists Karel Fracapane, Holocaust education specialist at UNESCO.

“It is a good example of the way in which AI, when applied to especially difficult and controversial issues, can lead to a strong erosion of democratic culture,” he told AFP.

Technology companies have to demonstrate “more rigor, transparency and responsibility,” he added.

Source: Elcomercio

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