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A fire was recorded at the Cine Citta facilities in Venezuela

A fire was recorded at the Cine Citta facilities in Venezuela

A fire was recorded at the Cine Citta facilities in Venezuela

A fire of great magnitude was registered in the facilities of the Cine Citta al mayor, where they sell oils and perrarina. Through social networks, users reported images with the fire coming out of the enclosure in Venezuela.

Users indicated that it was the commercial premises. However, Patricia Iadarola, local manager, highlighted The National that the fire occurred in Cine Citta for wholesale, located in Bello Monte.

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Injuries and material damage from the fire

So far, the situation has left 8 injured. Material damage has not yet been reported. The fire took time to be controlled by the authorities.

According to the information that citizens published on social networks, the fire also reached an apartment in which a man was trapped on the roof of a building.

“This man is still trapped on the roof of the building affected by the fire that has been going on for minutes in Bello Monte video: @johanzapata #31Jan”. This was reported by the journalist Estenif Olivares on her Twitter account.

For his part, the director of Civil Protection, Carlos Pérez Ampueda, reported that the six people from the Canguro building in Bello Monte were rescued. He also said that a commission is investigating the causes of the fire.

Large fire has already been controlled

The Minister of Internal Relations, Justice and Peace, Remigio Ceballos, stressed that the citizen security agencies attended the incident and managed to control the flames.

Similarly, the Capital District Firefighters indicated through their networks that at least eight people were affected by the fire and are being treated by medical personnel.


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Source: Elcomercio

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