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The youtuber Yao Cabrera fell from a third floor and is hospitalized: “His condition is serious”

The Uruguayan youtuber Yao Cabrera suffered an accident this Monday at his home, located in the Cordoba town of Villa Carlos Paz, in Argentina. As confirmed by two sources to “La Nación”, he fell from the third floor of the house by accident, apparently while recording a video. Although the medical report has not yet been released, it is known that the 24-year-old is hospitalized and his health is serious.

Christian Manzanelli (ex-representative and promoter of his fight with Chino Maidana) confirmed to “The nation”: “He fell from a third floor while filming a video. It is serious”. In addition, he specified that they are still waiting for the medical report.

For his part, the lawyer Alexander Cipolla he told The nation that was informed of the situation, but what He still does not know the state of health of his represented.

As is public knowledge, Yao Cabrera’s state of health is serious and he is hospitalized at the moment, waiting for an improvement. We will keep you informed of everything, reported through a story posted on the official Instagram account of Yao Cabrera. The brief message bears the signature of kevin macri, a Uruguayan YouTuber who is part of Cabrera’s inner circle.

The story they posted on Yao Cabrera's Instagram account.

The news about the accident of the well-known influencer was released by the radio journalist Miter John Etchegoyen, who through his social networks reported: “Attention. The youtuber Yao Cabrera fell from the third floor of his house, he fainted on the balcony. He is in serious condition. He is currently in intensive care”. The journalist confirmed that, according to his source, the influencer is hospitalized in a Cordoba clinic.

Yao Cabrera was in full preparation for his fight against Chino Maidana which will take place next March 5 in Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates.

Inspired by the battle between Floyd Mayweather and the youtuber logan paul, Cabrera challenged Maidana to a fight. “If you retweet and ‘like’ this tweet, I challenge Chino Maidana to a boxing match”, pointed out the influencer On twitter. And I add: “If he beats me, I’m leaving Argentina forever”.

The response of the boxer from Santa Fe, 38, was not long in coming. “Che, you… What’s his name? I don’t fight with amateurs, but I am going to wrap you up so that you leave the country”Maidana assured. Finally, months later they confirmed the date and scene of the fight. Through his social networks, Cabrera often posts videos of his training for the big fight.

Yao Cabrera, a youtuber surrounded by controversy

Marcos Ernesto Cabrera Rodriguez, better known as Yao Cabrera, created his YouTube channel in 2015 and has since been involved in several scandals.

In 2019, The Mexican youtuber Caeli published a video in which she reconstructed an episode in which she denounced that she was drugged and the victim of an attempted abuse during a trip. Although he did not explicitly mention Cabrera, the followers of both influencers They highlighted several elements that would point to the Uruguayan.

The youtuber She recounted her trip abroad to record a series, in which she was invited to a house party by a group of people whom she considered friends at the time. Until he found out that drugs had been put in his water bottle. Even though he hadn’t been mentioned by name, Cabrera decided to respond to the accusations through an Instagram story. “Tomorrow a video will be uploaded denying Caeli with real evidence,” he wrote. In the later videos, the youtuber repeated again that there is evidence to support his version of events and that “the truth” is on his side.

He was at the center of a controversy by sharing a shocking scene on social networks and organized a march on the Obelisk to claim the "crime".  (Instagram @yaocabrera).

In 2020, the controversial youtuber started a false campaign in which he pretended to have been kidnapped to ask his followers for money. With the idea of ​​paying his “ransom” and with the complicity of other influencers, required his fans to raise the sum of 30,000 dollars.

The campaign spread from various Instagram accounts. A group of youtubers started talking about the kidnapping and they promoted donation requests to rescue the Uruguayanallegedly deprived of his liberty. However, suspicions arose very soon and thousands of users began to accuse these referents on social networks of promoting a scam.

As if that were not enough, that same year Cabrera pretended to be killed by hit men. Through a series of videos, the youtuber was shown driving a luxury car on public roads when two alleged hitmen approached on a motorcycle, shot him at close range and ran away at full speed.

The youtuber faked his death.

In the pictures Cabrera’s body could be seen after he was shot down in the driver’s seat. And another scene shows how an ambulance approaches the scene to provide assistance. Finally, it was learned that it was also a hoax.


Source: Elcomercio

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