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WHO: Deaths from coronavirus increased by 9% in the last week

The deaths caused by coronavirus covid-19 They increased by 9% in the world in the last week, which confirms that the strong increase in new cases caused by the omicron variant is already beginning to be reflected in mortality, according to data released this Wednesday by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Deaths rose to 59,000 globally and the new diagnosed cases totaled 22 million in the last week, according to the epidemiological report that the who published every seven days.

Total cases since the pandemic began two years ago have exceeded 370 million, while reported deaths are 5.6 million.

The weekly number of deaths from covid-19 made remarkable progress in Southeast Asia, particularly in Indiawith an increase of 41% compared to the previous week, followed by the Eastern Mediterranean region (32%) and the Americas (16%).

Africa was the only region to report a reduction in deaths (7%), while the incidence of deaths remained at the same levels as the previous week in Europe and the Western Pacific, which includes China and other Asian countries, such as Vietnam and Cambodia, as well as Australia.

By country, the highest numbers of deaths correspond to United States, India, Russia, Brazil and Italy.

On the other hand, the epidemiological report reveals that according to the results of the genetic sequencing carried out in the last thirty days and which are now in the reference database, the omicron variant already represents 93.3% of all samples collected and found in at least 57 countries.

The delta variant, predominant until a few weeks ago, now represents only 6.7% of confirmed cases.


Source: Elcomercio

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