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Uruguay exceeds 700,000 cases of coronavirus since the start of the pandemic

Uruguay this Thursday exceeded 700,000 cases of COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic in Uruguay, on March 13, 2020, on a day in which there was a new record of deaths in this second wave of the disease, with 39.

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According to the daily report of the National Emergency System (Sinae), Uruguay registered 10,026 new cases of covid-19 in the 27,460 analyzes it carried out on the day, for which it reached a cumulative of 700,511 cases since the arrival of the SARS-CoV-coronavirus. 2 to the South American country.

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Of that total, 66,625 are people who are suffering from the disease and 157 of them are in intensive care centers (CTI).

On the other hand, on this day there were 39 fatalities, so the total number of deaths from covid-19 increased to 6,579.

Uruguay is facing its second wave of covid-19 after the arrival of the omicron variant of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus was detected in December, which increased the number of infections and deaths from the disease.

Regarding vaccination, according to the web monitor developed by the Ministry of Public Health (MSP) until 7:26 p.m. (22:26 GMT) this Thursday, 2,694,002 people (76.04% of the population) completed their vaccination schedule. immunization of the Chinese pharmaceutical companies Sinovac, the Anglo-Swedish AstraZeneca and the American Pfizer.

Furthermore, 227,877 people were inoculated with only the first dose, while 1,849,964 received a third dose.

Source: Elcomercio

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