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Scandal in Chile for partying on boats, jet skis and a helicopter in an exclusive lake at the height of the pandemic

Scandal in Chile for partying on boats, jet skis and a helicopter in an exclusive lake at the height of the pandemic

Scandal in Chile for partying on boats, jet skis and a helicopter in an exclusive lake at the height of the pandemic

A boat party in the middle of Lake Villarrica and without complying with the sanitary measures ordered by the authority that addresses this matter (such as the use of masks and physical distance) was held on Saturday in that commune, La Araucanía Region, in chili.

The images went viral on social media.. In them, you can see people sharing on various boats and even the presence of a helicopter. This fact caused concern in the authorities. In fact, the presidential delegate of the area, Víctor Manoli, pointed out that he contacted the Port Authority and requested that they increase inspections.

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“We cannot accept, let alone tolerate this type of act, less because of the situation we are experiencing with the pandemic, since no one is immune to the virus”He said.

He added that “I made contact with the Port Authority and explicitly requested that inspections be increased, since we do not want to regret fatal events due to the irresponsibility of these people who meet inside the lake to consume alcohol while driving boats.”

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After that, he called for responsibility “especially to the owners of these boats since by facilitating them they become accomplices in this serious offense that I insist could have ended with fatal consequences.”

As for how the fact was known, port captain Paul Hudson told Emol that they were notified by nautical athletes. Thus, with the information they went to the Bellavista sector -where the party was specifically taking place-, and “When we got to that point the party was already over, the boats were returning to the ports from where they had set sail.”

In any case, he said that they carried out inspections that day and on Sunday. “Between the two days we inspected approximately 55 vessels with a result of 26 citations to the maritime prosecutor’s office, for different infractions”. Among them, he mentioned not having a license, not having the boat registered and also exceeding the number of people allowed on the boat.

According to Hudson, the event was “spontaneous, at most an informal gathering of friends, there is no more history of any production”. In this line, he assured that They were not authorized to do so.

With everything, and having the points identified, he said that they will continue to control all the places of the lake with the same force. In addition, he revealed that they will request air support to have a more panoramic view. It should be noted that the community of Villarrica It is in Transition of the Step-by-Step Plan arranged by the Ministry of Health (Minsal).

The reaction of the authorities

Following the controversial massive party at the lake Villarricathe undersecretary of Public Health of chiliMaría Teresa Valenzuela regretted what happened on Tuesday.

“I saw the images and I felt great pain, because I saw young faces that enjoyed and one sees that they need to enjoy, but what a greater sadness, that for a minute they do not think of their loved ones”, manifested.

In addition, Valenzuela regretted that people did not think about the health personnel who “have been inexhaustible day and night, personnel who work in the Intensive Care Units, who often stay for weeks in the ICU in order to save lives.”

“I call on you from the depths to effectively reflect, collaborate, we want to get out of this but we all want to get out as a country, not just that one group is favored and others are not”He said.

The undersecretary asserted that it is essential that they think about health workers who “have not rested, are exhausted, are infected, let’s think about all that.”


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Source: Elcomercio

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