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A Brazilian youtuber generates outrage in the country after being in favor of creating a Nazi party

The statements of a youtuber Brazilian in favor of the creation of a Nazi party during an interview with deputies caused rejection among the public, the Jewish community and institutions, and became the subject of an investigation by the Attorney General’s Office to determine if there was an apology for the Nazism.

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“I think there should be a Nazi party recognized by law,” Bruno Aiub, a podcast host known as Monark, had said during an interview on his Monday broadcast on Flow Podcast, one of the most listened to in the country with 3, 6 million subscribers on YouTube.

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Congressman Kim Kataguiri (Podemos), one of the interviewees, responded that “no matter how absurd” someone defends, “it should not be a crime.” Deputy Tabata Amaral (PSB), also a participant, rejected the presenter’s statements.

Aiub apologized for the statements he claimed he had made “very drunk.”

In the program, he argued that “the radical left has much more space than the radical right; the two would have to have space”. And he added: “If a guy wants to be anti-Jewish, I think he has a right to be.”

The Attorney General’s Office indicated in a note that it will analyze “the tenor of the statements,” and reaffirmed its position “against hate speech.”

Kataguiri assured on Twitter that he will collaborate with the investigation and that his speech was “absolutely anti-Nazism.”

The Flow Podcast video was removed from the internet by the digital content producer Estudio Flow, which fired the presenter this Tuesday.

Jewish associations, institutions, politicians, social leaders, judges of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) and even German diplomacy, repudiated Aiub’s words. Numerous interviewees of the podcast asked to download their participation from the web.

In addition to losing sponsors, Estudio Flow lost the rights of the Football Federation of the State of Rio de Janeiro to broadcast the matches.

The Israelite Confederation of Brazil (Conib) condemned “vehemently” the statements of “Monark” and pointed out that hate speech and its defense “bring terrible consequences for humanity, and Nazism is its greatest historical evidence.”

Faced with some visions that defended the presenter’s position on freedom of expression, the German embassy in Brazil stated on its networks: “No, defending Nazism is not freedom of expression.” Those who defend him “disrespect the memory of the victims and survivors of that regime and ignore the horrors caused by it,” he stressed.

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Source: Elcomercio

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