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France will no longer require the use of masks in bars and restaurants from February 28

France will no longer require the use of masks in bars and restaurants from February 28

France will no longer require the use of masks in bars and restaurants from February 28

This Friday, the authorities of France announced that from Monday, February 28, it will no longer be mandatory to carry the masks in bars and restaurants, as well as in other closed spaces that require a health passport to access.

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The vaccination passport allows us, in a context in which the epidemic pressure is strongly reduced (…) to eliminate the obligation to wear masks in establishments that receive public”, announced to AFP the Minister of Health, Olivier Veran.

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The mask, whose use outdoors ceased to be mandatory on February 2, will not be mandatory in other closed places where the vaccination passport is required, such as cinemas, bars, or fairs. However, in transport it will be mandatory.

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France continues like this in its de-escalation of health restrictions. As of February 16, the reopening of nightclubs, closed since December 10, is planned, as well as attendance at standing concerts and consumption again at the bar.

According to data from the health authorities, the spread of the COVID-19 in France it slowed down in the first week of February, with a 29% lower incidence rate, and the situation in hospitals is also improving.

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Source: Elcomercio

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