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Russia describes as “hysteria” the statements about an upcoming attack on Ukraine

Russia describes as “hysteria” the statements about an upcoming attack on Ukraine

Russia describes as “hysteria” the statements about an upcoming attack on Ukraine

Russia marked today as “hysteria” the news about an upcoming attack on Ukraine, which, according to the White House, could happen next week.

“The White House hysteria is more revealing than ever. The Anglo-Saxons want war at all costs.” said the spokeswoman for the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zajárova, on her social networks.

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According to Zajárova, provocations, disinformation and threats are “the favorite method” of “Anglo-Saxons” to solve “their own problems”.

“The American political-military machinery is ready to overwhelm human lives again,” he claimed.

“The whole world is watching militarism and imperial ambitions reveal themselves”, added the foreign spokeswoman.

The United States warned this Friday that there “the clear possibility” about what Russia attack Ukraine next week, for which he asked his citizens to leave the country in the next 48 hours and ordered the deployment of 3,000 more soldiers in Poland.

Both the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken, and the White House National Security Adviser, Jake Sullivan, warned of the “high risk” that Russia attack Ukraine during the Winter Olympics, which will be held until February 20 in Beijing.

“Our impression that military action could happen any day, before the end of the Olympics, is becoming more and more resounding. It’s a very, very clear possibility.”Sullivan said, hours after Blinken issued a similar warning.

US President Joe Biden reviewed this Friday the situation in Ukraine with a dozen NATO allies, and this Saturday he will speak with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, for the first time since last December 30.

The Kremlin confirmed the preparation of a telephone conversation between the two leaders, which was requested by the US side, he said.

This Saturday Putin will also address the situation in Ukraine with the President of France, Emmanuel Macron, according to the spokesman for the Russian Presidency, Dmitri Peskov.

Putin and Macron already held a face-to-face meeting this week in Moscow, which lasted more than five hours and focused on finding ways to de-escalate the tension around Ukraine.

Russia insists that he does not want a war with Ukraine and has demanded a series of security guarantees from the West to prevent NATO from expanding further east and deploying offensive weapons near Russian borders.

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Source: Elcomercio

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