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From Peru to Spain to die at sea: stories of the Peruvian fishermen victims of the Villa de Pitanxo shipwreck

From Peru to Spain to die at sea: stories of the Peruvian fishermen victims of the Villa de Pitanxo shipwreck

From Peru to Spain to die at sea: stories of the Peruvian fishermen victims of the Villa de Pitanxo shipwreck

Death should not revel in its cruelty. Having breakfast with the worst news, the sinking of a ship, and having dinner with the count of how many have managed to get away with it, the uncertainty of who will be the bodies found and the dilemma of which crew members will still be missing, is the hardest of tolls .

Shipwrecks like that of the Spanish freezer trawler Villa de Pitanxo in the North Atlantic they end many lives and also cut many others in half.

LOOK: The number of deaths after the sinking of a Spanish ship in Canada increases to 10; there are Peruvians among the crew

Luzmar is the wife of Edwin Córdoba. They come from the north of Peru and the Spanish region of Galicia (northwest) both arrived, like so many others, in search of more and better opportunities. They have four children, the youngest of the offspring a baby barely half a year old. The eldest has turned 8. And the mother of all of them must hide, because they are still very young, the desperation, the pain, the cramps and chills that she feels in the absence of optimistic messages.

In a similar brete, this Wednesday he did not want to be under the spotlight. Normal. Yes, a relative did Pablo, who has commented that Edwin was enlisted on that ship with his uncle Daniel and his cousin Diego.

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In the Nores shipbuilder, in the Spanish town of Marín, where the base of the ill-fated Vila de Pitanxo, there was silence when listening to this man, who has made the management of the tragedy his most important mission at this time. He has no conclusive evidence. And it is not pronounced further. But he is resigned. Like her, what he only waits for doubts to give way to certainties.

Relatives of fishermen from the Villa de Pitanxo ship, which was shipwrecked in Canadian waters off Newfoundland, leave the shipowner’s house in Marín, Spain, this Wednesday. (EFE / Salvador Sas).


Aura is Martín’s partner, another of the Peruvian sailors, of whom she knows nothing. Like Luzmar, she has become interested again, knocking on the door, but without success. On the last call, he told her that the weather was bad.

“But it was normal”she reasons when stopping for a moment, despite the incessant rain, with the press gathered in the fishing village that has once again placed Galicia on the news pages due to the misfortune suffered by one of its vessels dedicated to the halibut fishery.

Martín is 54 years old, Edwin is 29, and one family and the other have residence in the Galician city of Vigo.

The last time that Aura and Martín established contact was last Monday at eleven o’clock in the morning Spanish time, when en the conversation they touched on the harsh climate and frigid Canadian waters.

The passage of Villa de Pitanxo, which ended up engulfed, began this tide on January 26. Her outcome, not at all expected, could not have been more abrupt.

Aura, wait, prey to nervousness: “I think that, like everyone, I’m wrong, waiting for them to say whatever.”

Several crew members of a Spanish fishing boat, whose crew includes several Peruvian and Spanish citizens, died this Tuesday after the ship sank in Canadian waters off Newfoundland.  (EFE/NORES GROUP).

Several crew members of a Spanish fishing boat, whose crew includes several Peruvian and Spanish citizens, died this Tuesday after the ship sank in Canadian waters off Newfoundland. (EFE/NORES GROUP).

The same thing happens to Carolina, wife of Jonathan Calderón, 39 years old and also from Peru: “I had been on this ship for twelve or thirteen years; he was the boatswain.” What could have happened to them and what happened to him? He does not know it. “Thank God there are three people who are alive; when they come they will give the respective explanations”.

In fact, it is known, through official channels, that there are three survivors, the boss, Juan Padín Costas, 55 years old; his nephew, Eduardo Rial Padín, 42, and a third citizen, Ghanaian, Samuel Kwesi, 30 years old and father of five children.

For the rest, there had been talk of 10 deaths, but Salvamento Marítimo de España, on its official Twitter account, reported today that, as reported Canada, there are nine, and not a dozen, the rescued bodies; three survivors and twelve who remain unaccounted for.

Carolina wants explanations that go beyond the harsh weather conditions in a complex area to navigate. She claims to notice when the weather is bad. And she didn’t think it was that bad. “I know that sound and I would know it.”

An uncle of Edemon Okutu, brother of the award-winning Ghanaian athlete Jean Marie Okutu, and another of the men who worked at the Villa de Pintanxo, wanted this February 16, like the others, to find out. An unsuccessful attempt.


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Source: Elcomercio

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