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Scandal in Qatar: victim of abuse was sentenced to 100 lashes and seven years in prison

Scandal in Qatar: victim of abuse was sentenced to 100 lashes and seven years in prison

Scandal in Qatar: victim of abuse was sentenced to 100 lashes and seven years in prison

The nightmare for Paola Schietekat, a Mexican exiled in her own country, began on June 6, 2021, when she worked at the Supreme Committee for Delivery and Legacy, the entity in charge of organizing the 2022 World Cup in qatar.

Paulabased since the age of 19 in the Middle East, has a degree in international relations and international law, a behavioral scientist and a master’s degree in Public Policy from the Blavatnik School of Government at the University of Oxford.

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”That was my dream job and they took it away from me, and not only my assailant, they snatched it from me Mexican institutions that did absolutely nothing and the Qatari authorities who even broke local law,” said the woman in an interview with W Radio Mexico.

The woman was in Dohaone of the safest cities in the world, when an acquaintance of hers of Latino origin entered her apartment at night and physically assaulted her.

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A few hours after the struggle with the man occurred, Paula bruises were seen on his left arm, shoulder and back. According to him, she recounted through a letter to the Cuestione web portal, took pictures of the wounds “so that my memory, in an attempt at self-protection, would not minimize the events or completely erase part of them.”

In addition, the woman went to the police to file the complaint in the company of the Consul of Mexico in Qatar, Luis Ancona; However, they interrogated her in Arabic, a language that the consul did not know, so she points out that he was not prepared to deal with a situation like this.

Paola Schietekat is exiled in Mexico. (PHOTO: Twitter: @ paola7kat).

Right there, the authorities asked him what he wanted to do and gave him three options: do nothing, ask for a restraining order or go to the police. ultimate consequences. Ancona recommended the latter option and she provided the details of the aggressor.

He went from victim to accused

The story took an unexpected turn that day. The police contacted Paola and asked her to go urgently to the station, where she met her attacker.

The man had declared that between the two there was a sentimental relationshipwhich in Qatar it is considered an extramarital relationship and is punished. In this way, she He went from victim to accused.

“From one moment to another, my complaint no longer mattered. The police referred the case to the public prosecutor’s office, the only place where I had a translator. Everything centered around the extramarital relationship, while, under my abaya, the robe that I was recommended to wear to look like a ‘woman of good morals’ followed the markings, purple, almost black”recounted Schietekat to the portal.

She returned exiled to Mexico

That same day the police kept his cell phone, which he had to unlock for the investigation, and with the help of the Qatar World Cup Organizing Committeewhere he worked, was able to leave the country on June 25, 2021 and arrive at Mexico. When he was already in his country of origin, he received his sentence: 100 lashes and seven years in prison.

“The director of international affairs of the Supreme Committee checked with the Ministry of the Interior if I had a travel ban that prevented me from leaving the country and they pressured them to remove that obstacle. I couldn’t leave because I was under investigation. I had never breathed with more relief than when my passport was stamped. In Mexico the adrenaline stopped and a slower process began, although just as complex and painful”he assures in his letter.

Looking to get your job back

Finally, the Qatar criminal court acquitted the aggressor and the charges against Paula for having a relationship outside of marriage, which prevents you from returning to Qatarwhere she would be forced to receive 100 lashes as punishment and serve seven years in prison.

A final hearing will be held on March 6, where Schietekat will seek help from Mexican Government so that a decision is made that annuls that sentence and so she can return to qatar and resume your work.


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Source: Elcomercio

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