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Biden imposes sanctions on companies participating in Nord Stream 2, which links Russia with Germany

The president of United States, Joe Bidenannounced this Wednesday sanctions on the companies that have participated in the construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, in retaliation for the actions that Russia has taken in the east of Ukraine.

Biden reported in a statement that the sanctions affect the company in charge of the construction and operation of the gas pipeline, Nord Stream 2 AGand which is registered in Switzerland.

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That Swiss company is owned by the Russian energy giant Gazpromso the penalties of Biden are directed directly against that Russian entity.

United States for years he had opposed the construction of Nord Stream 2 on the grounds that it would increase Europe’s dependence on Russian gas, but last year Biden allowed the pipeline to be completed by lifting the sanctions he re-imposed on Wednesday.

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The US action comes after this Tuesday the German chancellor, Olaf Scholz announced the suspension of the certification process for the gas pipeline, whose construction was completed last year, in response to the Russian recognition of the independence of the self-proclaimed separatist republics of the Ukrainian Donbas.

Biden in his statement he thanked Scholz for his collaboration, since the gas pipeline was vital for Germany, and stated that this is just “another piece” in the “initial” package of sanctions that the US has been preparing for weeks with its allies .

“As I have made clear, we will not hesitate to take further action if Russia continues its escalation.”warned the president.

BidenFinally, he launched a veiled attack on his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, considering that his latest decisions have given the world “an overwhelming incentive” to stop importing Russian gas, oil and other forms of energy, which account for a good part of Kremlin revenue.

The Nord Stream 2, 1,235 kilometers long, was built with the aim of transporting Russian gas directly to Germany without going through Ukraine, which deprived that country of an important source of income since it charged Russia a canon for letting the gas pass through. gas for its territory.

Moscow opted for the construction of the North Stream 2 after the so-called “gas wars” of 2006 and 2009, in which disagreements between Russia and Ukraine -then the main route for Russian gas- caused supply cuts and higher energy prices in Europe.

Biden already announced on Tuesday a first tranche of sanctions against Russia, targeting two financial institutions, Moscow’s sovereign debt, and Russian elites and their relatives.


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Source: Elcomercio

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