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fourteen Ukrainian legionnaires arrested in Paris

Were they trying to rally Ukraine to fight the Russian invasion? In any case, this is what the military authorities will have to determine. Fourteen Ukrainian legionnaires were arrested overnight from Tuesday to Wednesday in the 16th arrondissement of Paris in the morning, learned 20 Minutes from a police source, confirming information from RTL.

It all starts with a report that leads the police to check a tourist bus registered in Poland, Porte des Sablons, early Tuesday evening. On board, about thirty people, all Ukrainian, including 14 men are currently engaged in the foreign legion of the army. According to our information, one of the occupants confirmed that all the passengers were preparing to join the Ukrainian army.

The controls lasted a good part of the night at the headquarters of the sub-directorate for the fight against irregular immigration. The military authorities are currently studying their situation on a case-by-case basis, as the legionnaires are not authorized to fight outside the engagement of the French armed forces. “Whatever his nationality of origin, a legionnaire engages in the service of France”, recalled the army a few days ago.

Source: 20minutes

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