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Russia acknowledges that it lost 498 soldiers in Ukraine, in the first balance since the invasion

The Ministry of Defense of Russia admitted today the death of 498 Russian soldiers in the war he launched seven days ago against Ukrainein addition to 1,597 wounded soldiers.

The information, the first since the war began on February 28, was provided by Russian Defense spokesman Igor Konashénkov in a statement.

“Unfortunately, among our comrades participating in the special military operation there are losses. 498 Russian servicemen died in the line of duty. We offer all possible help to the family of the fallen, ”he declared.

The Ukrainian Deputy Minister of Defense, Hanna Malyar, said today that, according to preliminary data from Kiev, there are 5,840 Russian soldiers killed so far in the war.

The Russian major general stressed that neither recruits from the general military service nor cadets from the military study centers of the Russian Federation participate in the operation. Russia.

“Reports spread by many Western and some Russian media about allegedly ‘countless’ Russian casualties are deliberate disinformation,” he said.

According to Konashenkov, casualties among the Ukrainian forces are considerably higher, amounting to 2,870 dead and about 3,700 wounded.

“According to confirmed data, the number of Ukrainian military prisoners is 572 people,” he added.

The Russian military stated that in the framework of the offensive, the Russian Armed Forces have destroyed 47 aircraft on the ground and 13 in the air, 484 tanks and armored vehicles, 63 multiple launchers, 217 artillery pieces, 336 special combat teams and 47 drones. .

In total, he noted, Russia has destroyed 1,533 military targets, including 54 control and communications centers, 39 anti-aircraft missile systems and 52 radars.

“The Russian military, the Russian Army, carry out their mission with dignity. They eradicate the real threat to Russia from Ukrainian territory. A territory in which, against the will of the Ukrainian people, NATO bases and nuclear weapons were to appear in the future”, he concluded.

Source: Elcomercio

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