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The question of the day: Is the Ukrainian refugee crisis on track to become the largest in European history?

The question of the day: Is the Ukrainian refugee crisis on track to become the largest in European history?

The question of the day: Is the Ukrainian refugee crisis on track to become the largest in European history?

The Russian military offensive on Ukraine it has caused the flight of 1.2 million people who now seek refuge in nearby nations. The UN estimates that, if the conflict continues, the figure could rise to 4 million.

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The European Union, for its part, has estimated that there could be 7 million Ukrainians fleeing the war.

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All this without counting the 160,000 internally displaced persons in the country and the up to 18 million who could fall into that condition, according to estimates by the European bloc.

At this rate, the situation could escalate into one of the biggest humanitarian crises in the history of the Old Continent.

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Source: Elcomercio

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