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Erdogan asks Putin by phone for an “immediate ceasefire” in Ukraine

The President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoganhe asked today in a telephone conversation with his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putinan “immediate ceasefire” in the attack launched by Moscow against Ukraine and has offered to find ways to achieve peace.

“Let’s open the way for peace together”, express Erdoğan to Putin in a telephone conversation that lasted for an hour today, and in which the Turkish leader stressed the importance of a truce to alleviate the humanitarian crisis and allow a negotiated solution, according to the Presidency of Turkey On twitter.

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Putinfor his part, assured the Turkish president that the “special operation, as Moscow describes the invasion of Ukraine, it will only stop if Kiev abandons the resistance and accepts the Russian demandsreports the Russian state agency RIA Nóvosti, citing government sources.

This source indicates that Putin explained to Erdoğan that he is willing to dialogue on the condition that Ukraine accept your demilitarization, “denazification” and the commitment to be a neutral country, without attempts to join NATO.

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in the talk, Erdoğan stated that a general ceasefire “It would not only alleviate humanitarian concerns in the region, but also allow the search for a political solution”, noted the president’s communication office.

The Islamist politician assured that he continues to make efforts to carry out negotiations and that “he is ready to make any contribution to the solution, as soon as possible, of the Ukraine problem by peaceful methods.”

The Turkish Presidency pointed out that Erdogan also discussed the situation created by the Russian invasion of Ukraine today in telephone talks with other leaders, such as the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, and the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau.

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Source: Elcomercio

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