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France foresees a “very painful” phase with the sieges of cities in Ukraine

France sent to Ukraine “different drugs”, such as iodine, to protect themselves in the event of a nuclear attack during combat with the Russian army, French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian said on Sunday night.

“Yes, we ship various medical products”the minister told France 2 television, in response to a question about sending iodine to Ukraine.

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“We send a lot of medical material and this is part”later confirmed to France 5 television.

Shortly before, the French ambassador in UkraineEtienne de Poncins, reported on another television about the shipment, in the coming days, of “2.5 million doses of iodine to be able to face any nuclear risk”.

According to Le Drian, French President Emmanuel Macron made this decision after speaking again by phone with Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday, in order to ensure “the protection” before a nuclear risk.

During this almost two-hour conversation, Macron reiterated his “major concern” for the safety of nuclear power plants, after the bombing, on March 4, of the Ukrainian nuclear power plant in Zaporizhia, the largest in Europe, reported a statement from the French presidency.

Putin told himself “willing to respect the standards of the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) for the protection of power plants” and gave his agreement so that “start a dialogue with the IAEA, Ukraine and Russia to maintain the safety of nuclear facilities “according to the same sources.


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Source: Elcomercio

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