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She denounced that she was abused by a soccer player: she does not find justice, she fears for her life and he would play again

Clara Bulacio has lived in terror for a year. The former hockey player of the Estudiantes de la Plata club Argentina denounced having been a victim of sexual abuse by Diego García, a soccer player from the same house who leads his life as normal, does not admit having committed the assault and is preparing to play again

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On February 24, 2021, the young woman was invited to a party organized by a group of players from the aforementioned club, in the El Rodeo de Abasto neighborhood, in silver. She met up with some friends and only left them to go to the bathroom, where Garcia He forced her to enter and sexually abused her, according to a police statement collected by TN.

Bulacio She did not remain silent and filed a complaint against the Uruguayan soccer player; however, García never showed up for the multiple summonses to carry out expert reports. She also did not decide to testify before a judge and, instead, her lawyer only sent a notification.

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“I showed up on the day and at the time that the Justice summoned me, but he did not. His excuse was that they didn’t remind him when and where he had to be to get the tests done. Whenever they asked me to tell and remember what happened to me, which is very painful, I exposed it. He never did.”lamented the also model.

This week he must present himself to the psychological tests that seek to verify his statements.

“I can’t go out in the street in peace because I’m scared, I can’t watch football and I stopped using social networks. My life is a day to day while I see that he leads a totally normal life “Bulacio said.

Uruguayan soccer player Diego Garcia. (Photo: Nicolas AGUILERA / AFP) (NICOLAS AGUILERA /)

Lawyer asks for his arrest

Marcelo Peña is the lawyer of Clara Bulacio and assured TN that he will demand new expert reports from the prosecutor Cecilia Corfield. “There are people who were at the party and were not very precise in their statement, so we will ask that they be called again”commented to the medium.

Despite the complaint, Garcia continues to lead his life as normal, so Pain He will also request his preliminary arrest with the intention of protecting the integrity of his client and also taking care of other girls.

The prosecutor indicated that she will not request the arrest “Because so far nothing has changed that suggests that he can escape.”

On the other hand, García’s defender assured that the soccer player is very calm and does not fear an arrest request. “The request for arrest would go through an obstruction that Diego has made, that he has forged evidence, that he has not appeared at an expert, that he has not appeared at a summons and that did not happen”, he pointed.

The situation with the club

Currently, Diego García is trained at Atlético Patronato, a soccer team located in the province of Between riversafter Estudiantes de la Plata decided to give it as a ‘loan’ while the investigations against them continue.

The news didn’t sit well with Bulaciowho commented that Students did not give him the help he expected or needed. “They didn’t take care of me and they didn’t protect a family that was always with the club. The only thing they did was give it on loan to get the problem out of the way and they never communicated again.” express.

After feeling that the club turned its back on her, the young woman decided to leave jockey and leave the Estudiantes de La Plata club, of which she was also a member.

“They raped a member, fan and player of their club, a player himself and from the club they were not present neither for me nor for my family. They didn’t take care of us. It is said that it is because they could have had a trial against them, but they preferred to take care of their wallet than a family, “ complained the complainant.

After the complaint, the club issued a statement in which it indicated that it had activated the protocol for cases of gender violence.

Paula Aberasteguiundersecretary of the platense club pointed out that “The player did not play a game with Estudiantes again and was loaned out twice, which speaks of the Club’s commitment and political will to uphold the measures ordered until Justice is issued.”

“We cannot comment on this other than to hope that the Justice will act quickly and above all in a non-revictimizing manner”, finished.

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Source: Elcomercio

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