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UK Delivered Thousands of NLAW Anti-Tank Missiles to Ukraine, Announces More to Come

UK Delivered Thousands of NLAW Anti-Tank Missiles to Ukraine, Announces More to Come

UK Delivered Thousands of NLAW Anti-Tank Missiles to Ukraine, Announces More to Come

The British government announced on Wednesday that it will continue to supply anti-tank missiles to Ukraine as part of its defensive support for the country in the wake of the invasion by the Russian army of Vladimir Putin.

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“In response to the continued aggression of Russiawe have increased our supply” from anti tank weaponsDefense Minister Ben Wallace said in the House of Commons.

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The United Kingdom has so far delivered 3,615 NLAW (portable anti-tank missiles) and will add “more”, he announced. It also plans a “small shipment” of anti-tank missiles. Javelinhe added.

The Ukrainian Territorial Defense Forces examine new weaponry, including NLAW anti-tank systems and other man-portable anti-tank grenade launchers, on March 9, 2022. (Genya Savilov/AFP)

Also, “in response to Ukrainian requests, the government has also decided to explore the possibility of donating Starstreak high-speed man-portable missiles”Wallace stressed.

The minister assured that these projectiles, which they can counter the threat of fighter jets or helicoptersremain within the realm of “defensive” weapons while allowing the “Ukrainians to better defend the air.”

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“I want to assure the camera that everything we do is tied to the decision to provide defensive systems.” to Ukrainewhat they are “calibrated not to scale to a strategic level.”

The United Kingdom it will also increase its supplies of food rations, medical supplies and other “non-lethal” military equipment, he said.


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Source: Elcomercio

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