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US Senate calls for Putin to be investigated for war crimes in Ukraine

The Senate of United States approved this Tuesday a resolution to request that the Russian president be investigated, Vladimir Putinand the Russian Armed Forces for possible war crimes in Ukraine.

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The resolution does not have the same force as a law, although it serves to support the investigations that the Office of the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC) has initiated at the request of some 40 countries.

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The text of the resolution approved by the Senate condemns “war crimes, crimes against humanity and the systematic violation of human rights that the Russian Armed Forces and military commanders are committing, at the direction of President Vladimir Putin.”

In addition, expresses the support of the Senate for any investigation of war crimes or crimes against humanity carried out against Putin, your Government or the Russian Armed Forces.

The resolution was sponsored by Republican Senator Lindsay Graham, who earlier this month said in a television interview that the only way to end the war in Ukraine was for someone in Russia to “get rid of” Putin.

The White House had to respond by saying that assassinating foreign leaders is not part of US policy.


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Source: Elcomercio

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