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“It’s the most horrible trip of my life.” A young Ukrainian woman shares her evacuation from kyiv to Poland on TikTok

“It is the most horrible trip of my life. Thank you, Putin,” wrote Valeria Shashenok, a 20-year-old freelance photographer who escaped from kyiv, the capital of Ukrainefollowing the Russian invasion. Last Tuesday, the young woman shared a video of her, on her TikTok account, in which she documents her evacuation from the war to Poland.

Shashenok, Before the war, he worked documenting daily life in the Ukrainian city of Chernihiv. With the arrival of the Russian army, the young woman decided to share what she was experiencing on her social networks and has videos of the bombings and life in the shelters.

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With over 850,000 followers and millions of views on TikTok, retraced his journey to Warsaw. First of all, she went to the kyiv railway station to go to Lviv and then to Przemysl.

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“The Ukrainian volunteers broke my heart,” she said, of receiving food in a tent at the border. Later, he showed his train trip to Poland. Sarcastically, He reported that he was on his feet during the 10 hours of the tour.

Valeria on her first train trip, heading to Poland. (TikTok).

Once off the train, Shashenok did another take and explained that he was five hours at the borders. “I like it!” she wrote wryly.

Finally, he entered Poland and celebrated “being free”, although he joked about not having a passport abroad, since he probably fled his country without his documentation. In addition, he showed that he ate “vareniki”, a pastry stuffed with potatoes and onions, typical of Polish cuisine.

Valeria spent five hours on the border of Ukraine and Poland.  (TikTok).

Valeria spent five hours on the border of Ukraine and Poland. (TikTok).

Later, another seven-hour train was taken to the city of Lodz, in the center of the country. “I can’t believe I evacuated to Poland!” she shared, with relief. And he thanked the Polish volunteers for supporting his country.

On her last train, the Ukrainian photographer captured one more scene: “And now I am going to Warsaw. Yes!”. This trip lasted two hours and allowed her to meet again with Ukrainian friends who had already managed to escape.

Shashenok is also responsible for sharing requests for food, clothing and accommodation for other refugees like her on her social networks.


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Source: Elcomercio

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