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Peru asks the UN to respect civilians in Ukraine | VIDEO

Manuel Rodriguez Cuadros, representative of Peru before the UNgave a speech at the United Nations on Wednesday during the Eleventh Emergency Special Session on Ukraine, to request support from the civilian population of that country, affected by the Russian invasion that began a month ago.

Former Foreign Minister Rodríguez Cuadros He began his speech lamenting the death of Madeleine Albrightwho was the first Secretary of State in the history of United States.

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Then he said that “The armed intervention in Ukraine worsens, the violence intensifies and the civilian population continues to suffer the ravages of the conflict”.

the diplomat did not use the word war or invasionbut pointed out that the conflict could end with a ceasefire while negotiations with the parties are being worked on.

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“This imperative of the conscience of humanity that is demanded is also the call made by the Government of Peru for the parties to agree on a ceasefire and continue the course of negotiations between the two,” assured.

“International humanitarian law must be demanded to limit civilian suffering… These are not recommendations of good will, nor horizons of desired conduct, but international obligations acquired”, he added.

In the same way, Rodriguez Pictures He talked about cyber attacks and more situations that could harm victims.

He also asked that the authorities preserve essential structures that provide services, such as water or electricity.

Finally, he asked that the humanitarian corridors and international work in Ukraine be respected.


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Source: Elcomercio

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