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How much has global maritime trade increased over the past decades?

The Ever Given, which blocked traffic in the Suez Canal, was able to be unblocked. – AP

He kept world trade players in suspense for a week. The container ship Ever Given, which had completely blocked the circulation of ships on the Suez Canal, was finally able to be unblocked at the beginning of the week. An involuntary traffic jam which has highlighted the importance of global maritime transport in the movement of goods. A trade by sea which, over the last decades, has continued to develop in parallel with globalization.

According to data from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), the total volume of sea freight, all goods combined, exceeded 11 billion tonnes in 2019. This is nearly five times the total recorded on the planet in 1970. Has this progression been constant? Was there an acceleration in the 2010s? To find out, just look at the infographic of our partner, Statista:


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