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Madeleine McCann: a friend of the main suspect broke the silence and gave never revealed details of the case

Madeleine McCann was ripped from her hotel room one hot night in 2007 in the middle of a family vacation in Portugal. While she and her siblings slept, her parents and a married couple who were friends of hers had dinner a few meters from her room and went to see them every fifteen minutes. However, on one of the rounds, they discovered the girl’s bed empty. From that moment, the arduous search for the culprit began. 15 years after the dark event, a close friend of the main suspect gave unpublished details about the case.

In case of Madeleine McCann became one of the most famous internationally and the girl’s photos turned the world. her parents, Kate and Gerry McCanformed an organization dedicated entirely to the search for the girl and the person responsible for her disappearance. After several years of intrigue, in June 2020 the authorities positioned Christian Bruckner as the main suspect in the case.

The German man is currently serving a seven-year sentence for raping a woman in Algrave, two years before the girl disappeared from the hotel without a trace. Likewise, it has an extensive record of crimes of a sexual nature, especially linked to the abuse of minors and the possession of child pornography. In 2015, after his girlfriend accused him of domestic violence, the police raided his home and found not only illegal filming but also various conversations he had with other pedophiles through social networks.

Christian B, the 43-year-old German identified as the main suspect in the case (Bild).

Fifteen years after the event and with all eyes on Brueckner, one of his close friends was encouraged to speak about the case for the first time. Christian Post, a 54-year-old German, acknowledged having met his compatriot in early 2000 while having a drink in a bar of Algrave. Even though he knew he had a history of theft, he never imagined that there could be something so wicked behind his friendly facade.

Madeleine McCann's parents hold up a photo of what their daughter would have looked like in 2012. (File)

Madeleine McCann’s parents hold up a photo of what their daughter would have looked like in 2012. (File)

However, he acknowledged that after finding out through the media about his past of rapes and sexual violence, he became convinced that he was the culprit. “I am 100% sure that he took Madeleine,” he said. during an interview with TheMirror. And he continued: “I think he found it by chance and that he took it on the spur of the moment. I think that once you became a pedophile, there is a switch in your brain that can no longer be turned off. If he saw a girl sleeping alone in an apartment, he surely took her”.

Post revealed that, on one occasion, he went to Brueckner’s home and noticed that he had between 60 and 100 passports neatly stacked. He “he told me that he obtained them on his ‘night walks’ in Praia da Luz (area of ​​Portugal where the McCanns vacationed), climbing onto balconies and entering through windows. That shows how many robberies he must have committed,” he detailed. “He said he would go into rooms and take whatever he wanted. At the time he assumed she was talking about cash, jewelry, passports. But now, who knows?” she sentenced.

Christian Brueckner, the main suspect in the case, has a long history of sexual crimes.  (TheTimes).

Christian Brueckner, the main suspect in the case, has a long history of sexual crimes. (TheTimes).

Finally, he admitted to being sorry for not having informed the Police about the night robberies carried out by his then friend and that, now, he will do everything possible so that Justice is done. “I hope they lock him up and throw away the key,” he said.

Madeleine McCann case ends after 11 years

At the end of March 2022, the British investigators of the Madeleine McCann case stated that the investigation into the disappearance of the girl will end shortly without having managed to arrest the culprit.

Christian Bruecknerm is the main suspect in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann.  (Archive).

Christian Bruecknerm is the main suspect in the disappearance of Madeleine McCann. (Archive).

Scotland Yard authorities were in charge of “Operation Grange” in 2011, released four years after the girl’s disappearance. The newspaper The Sun confirmed the end of the British search, whose last contribution was to locate Brueckner as the main suspect. In parallel, se submitted a request to extend the search for another six monthsbut there is no certainty that this term will be granted.

Source: Elcomercio

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