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Uruguay lifts the health emergency after more than two years of the coronavirus pandemic

Uruguay ended this Monday the health emergency that had been declared on March 13, 2020, when the first four cases of coronavirus in the country.

This was reported by the president of Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou, through a publication on his Twitter account, who explained that “in the coming days” will sign the corresponding decree.

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At the same time that said information was communicated, the president was with the Minister of Public Health, Daniel Salinas, holding a meeting in the Executive Tower of Montevideo in which the Vice Minister, José Luis Satdjian, also participated.

After this meeting, the head of the portfolio assured the press that the situation in the country, added to the high percentage of vaccinated and the immunization generated by the wave of infections caused by the omicron variant, led to this decision.

“It is time to make that qualitative change, but absolutely necessary towards normalization”, said Salinas, who indicated that, among other things, a 100% capacity will be enabled in closed shows, although the use of face masks will be recommended in certain places.

On the other hand, he assured that Uruguay will continue to require that those who are not vaccinated must take a test before entering the country.

Finally, the minister said that in the coming days they will stop issuing daily reports in which cases of covid-19 and these will become weekly.

Enacted on March 13, 2020, Decree 93/020 declared the “State of National Health Emergency” as a consequence of the pandemic.

The text forced the suspension of all public shows until the Executive determined it and the preventive and provisional closure of public and private thermal tourist centers.

Three days later, a new decree added other measures and prohibited the disembarkation of passengers and crew members of cruise ships and commercial ships coming from “high risk areas” in addition to preventing people from entering the country from Argentina through land, sea, river or air borders.

In addition, international flights from Europe were suspended and all employers were urged to implement and promote, in all possible cases, that workers carry out their tasks at home, among other things.

Uruguay accumulates 889,513 total cases, of which 5,233 are people with the disease -40 in intensive care (ICU)- and 7,166 deaths with a diagnosis of covid-19.

Regarding vaccination, according to data from the Ministry of Public Health, until 4:23 p.m. (7:23 p.m. GMT) on Monday, 2,848,829 people (80.41% of the population) completed their immunization schedule from Chinese pharmaceutical companies with two doses. Sinovac, the Anglo-Swedish AstraZeneca and the American Pfizer.

In addition, 136,050 people were inoculated with only the first dose, while 2,252,210 received a booster dose.

Source: Elcomercio

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