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Easter Sunday: Pope Francis asks for “peace in the martyred Ukraine” in his Easter message

The Pope Francisco asked today for peace to come to Ukraine dragged “by a cruel and senseless war” and that those responsible for nations “listen to the cry of peace of the people” and also “the question that scientists asked themselves almost sixty years ago: Are we going to put an end to the human race? ?”.

This is what he said in his traditional message after the mass of the Easter Sunday which he celebrated before 50,000 people, read from the balcony of the central loggia of the façade of Saint Peter’s Basilica before the Urbi et Orbi blessingand in which he referred to the “unbelief” that we are testing with this “Passover war.”

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Franciscowho did preside over the mass today while yesterday he could not officiate the Vigil due to his knee problems, lamented that after the pandemic “it was time to go out together hand in hand” and, however, “we are showing that we still have in us the spirit of Cain, who looks at Abel not as a brother, but as a rival, and thinks of how to eliminate him.”

And his call was: “Let us let the peace of Christ enter our lives, our homes and our countries!”

A general view of Saint Peter’s Square while Pope Francis presides over the Easter Mass in Vatican City, on April 17, 2022. (EFE/EPA/CLAUDIO PERI).

And as usual at Easter and Christmas, Francis took advantage of his message to echo the numerous conflicts that afflict the world.

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May there be peace in the martyred Ukraine, so harshly tested by the violence and destruction of the cruel and senseless war into which it has been dragged. May a new dawn of hope break soon on this terrible night of suffering and death. Let peace be chosen. That they stop making shows of force while people suffer “, asserted Jorge Bergoglio leaning out on the balcony where he presented himself to the world as dad on March 13, 2013.

And he begged: “Please, let’s not get used to war, let’s all commit ourselves to asking for peace with a powerful voice, from the balconies and in the streets.”

The Pontiff also asked “so that those responsible for the nations listen to the cry of peace of the people and” that they listen to that disturbing question that scientists asked themselves almost sixty years ago: Are we going to put an end to the human race or should humanity give up war?as read in the Russell-Einsten manifesto of July 9, 1955 that the two scientists made to ask for disarmament in view of the nuclear danger arising from the Cold War.

The Pontiff also mentioned “the numerous Ukrainian victims, the millions of refugees and internally displaced persons, the divided families, the elderly who have been left alone, the shattered lives and the devastated cities”.

I have before my eyes the look of the children who were orphaned and flee from the war. Looking at them, we cannot help but hear their cry of pain, along with that of many other suffering children around the world: those who die of hunger or lack of medical care, those who are victims of abuse and violence, and those who are that they have been denied the right to be born,” he added.

Francisco thanked the reception in Europe of the migrants but He urged that “the conflict in Europe also make us more attentive to other situations of tension, suffering and pain that affect too many regions of the world and that we cannot and must not forget.”

Pope Francis greets Christian faithful from the Popemobile after Easter Mass on April 17, 2022 in Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican.  (Tiziana FABI / AFP).

Pope Francis greets Christian faithful from the Popemobile after Easter Mass on April 17, 2022 in Saint Peter’s Square at the Vatican. (Tiziana FABI / AFP).


He returned as every year to ask for peace “in the Middle East, lacerated for years by divisions and conflicts” and so that “Israelis, Palestinians and all the inhabitants of the Holy City, together with pilgrims, can experience the beauty of peace, live in brotherhood and freely access the Holy Places, mutually respecting the rights of each one”.

The Pope also called for “peace and reconciliation among the peoples of Lebanon, Syria and Iraq” and for Libya to “find stability after years of tension” and that the truce signed in Yemen in recent days “can restore hope to the population”.

And he prayed for “the gift of reconciliation” to come to Myanmar and for “the dangerous social tensions to be calmed” in Afghanistan.

He called for “the exploitation of which the entire African continent is a victim to end” and “the hemorrhage caused by terrorist attacks, especially in the Sahel area” and cited the humanitarian crisis in Ethiopia and the violence in the Democratic Republic of the Congo , where he plans to travel in early July.

Also He referred “to Latin America that, in these difficult times of pandemic, have seen their social conditions worsen, in some cases, also aggravated by cases of crime, violence, corruption and drug trafficking.”

The dad He concluded by recalling that “every war brings with it consequences that affect all of humanity: from the mourning and drama of the refugees, to the economic and food crisis of which signs are already being seen.”

And he urged “not to give up in the face of evil and violence.” “Let us allow ourselves to be overcome by the peace of Christ! Peace is possible, peace is necessary, peace is the main responsibility of all! ”, Thus concluded his Easter message.

Source: Elcomercio

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