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Argentina: he was forbidden to attend a patient who had no money, he disobeyed, cured him and quit his job

The case of a doctor Argentina went viral this weekend when he revealed what happened to him at the clinic where he worked. Florencia Barraza recounted that she disobeyed the orders of her bosses by assisting a patient who did not have money to pay for her cure and after that she resigned from her job.

This doctor, who worked night shifts in a private clinic, made the decision to cure the person, since she pointed out that her vocation for service was ahead of any policy imposed by her work center, according to the Clarin newspaper.

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“I just had to fight with the nurse and the director of the clinic,” Barraza wrote on Twitter. As he detailed, the man arrived at the medical center with a deep cut on his foot, the product of an accident with a grinder.

“I sutured it the same and I resigned. I always prefer the state to the vile business community, HOLD ON TO PUBLIC HEALTH!”added the doctor, who also works in the surgical area of ​​a public hospital.

Barraza, 27 years old, He also revealed part of the discussion he had with one of the clinic authorities.

“When I told the director that my duty as a doctor was to provide care regardless of the patient’s financial means, she told me ‘no, things don’t work like that in private clinics’”.

“In the private ones medicine is not made, business is made and the products are human beings”he lashed out

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However, the doctor added that her intentions were never to defame the clinic, but to show that some of these institutions can have inhumane treatment.

“Although no one here told me, I want to clarify that my tweet was not a defamation of the clinic. I did not name it nor am I going to do it, it was a criticism of the private health system and the way they treat patients”, he pointed.

Barraza’s post generated more than 95,000 likes and almost 9,000 retweets. The comments about his actions were supportive and grateful for his human sensitivity. A few hours later, she uploaded a selfie on her Instagram account, where she wrote: “Tearful and unemployed, but with a clear conscience.”

Source: Elcomercio

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