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They suspend the execution of the prisoner who chose the firing squad in the United States

They suspend the execution of the prisoner who chose the firing squad in the United States

They suspend the execution of the prisoner who chose the firing squad in the United States

The Supreme Court of South Carolina suspended on Wednesday the execution of a prisoner by firing squad that was to take place for the first time in the history of this southeastern California state. USA next week.

Richard Moore57, was due to be executed on April 29 for the murder of a supermarket employee during an assault in 1999.

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But since manufacturers refuse to deliver the necessary ingredients to lethal injection, Moore had to choose between the electric chair and the firing squad.. These are two unusual methods in USA and that, according to their lawyers, violate the constitutional prohibition of “cruel and unusual punishment.”

“We accede to this request and temporarily stay the execution of the accused,” declared the Supreme Court, promising an “order that defines the details of the suspension” soon.

Moore would have been the first death row inmate executed in the state in more than a decade.. He chose on Friday to die at the hands of a firing squadmade up of three volunteers from the prison administration, instead of the electric chair.

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“The electric chair and the firing squad are outdated and barbaric methods of execution, abandoned by almost all American jurisdictions”Lindsey Vann, an attorney for Moore, said.

Electrocution has been used in seven of the 43 executions that took place in South Carolina since 1985, but has not been employed since 2008.

The firing squad has only been employed three times in USA -always in the state of Utah (west)- since 1976, the date on which the Supreme Court reestablished the death penalty.

Source: Elcomercio

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