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Burmese junta sentences Suu Kyi to 5 years in prison for corruption case

Burmese junta sentences Suu Kyi to 5 years in prison for corruption case

Burmese junta sentences Suu Kyi to 5 years in prison for corruption case

a court of law Burmesecreated by the coup military, sentenced this Wednesday to five years in prison the ousted leader and Nobel Peace Prize winner, Aung San Suu Kyifor one of the corruption cases he is facing, sources close to the case informed Efe on Tuesday.

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Suu Kyi, detained since the first hours of the coup d’état perpetrated by the military on February 1, 2021, is accused in this process of accepting bribes worth 600,000 dollars and 11.4 kilos of gold from the hands of the former governor of Rangoon, Phyo Min Thein, who testified in October against the elected leader.

The special court of Naypyidaw, created by the military junta to try Suu Kyi and other officials of the ousted government, met at 09:30 in the morning (+6:30 GMT) after which it issued its ruling, sources close to the process pointed out to Efe. .

The legal team representing Suu Kyi was unable to meet with her today, the same revealed.

Since taking power, the military regime has begun a campaign of judicial harassment against the 76-year-old Nobel Peace Prize winner for a series of various accusations that try to undermine her reputation.

Suu Kyi, who has already been sentenced to a total of six years in prison, also faces numerous other accusations of corruption for allegedly abusing her position for the rental of land, appropriating funds donated to a foundation that she presided over and building a residence with these, and for the purchase and rental of helicopters, all these crimes punishable by up to 15 years in prison.

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In early December, the politician was sentenced to four years in prison, reduced to two upon receiving a pardon from the military junta, for violating the laws implemented against the pandemic and incitement against the military junta.

The ousted leader was also sentenced on January 10 to another four years in prison for skipping measures against the spread of covid-19 during an electoral act and for the illegal importation of telecommunications devices.

The former State Counselor is also being tried for allegedly violating the Official Secrets Law, sentenced to a maximum of 14 years in prison, and is accused in court for the crime of electoral fraud during the November 2020 elections.

Suu Kyi’s lawyers, who have been banned by the military junta from speaking to the media, have called all the accusations against her fabricated.

The coup d’état has plunged Burma into a deep political, social and economic crisis, and opened a spiral of violence with new civilian militias that have exacerbated the guerrilla war that the country has been experiencing for decades.

Source: Elcomercio

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