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Fifth migrant caravan advances six hours and is dissolved in southeastern Mexico

Fifth migrant caravan advances six hours and is dissolved in southeastern Mexico

Fifth migrant caravan advances six hours and is dissolved in southeastern Mexico

The fifth migrant caravan that left this Thursday morning from the Mexican city of Tapachula, bordering Guatemala, barely managed to advance about 16 kilometers, in about six hours, to the community of Álvaro Obregón, where it was dissolved by authorities. mexican.

This group of about 200 people, the second formed in consecutive days, encountered a strong deployment of agents from the National Institute of Migration (INM) and anti-riot teams from the National Guard (GN), who stopped their advance on the road that is located parallel to the coast of Chiapas.

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“We want visas, we want visas!” It was the achievement and request expressed by the foreigners as they approached the federal forces who asked them to stop their advance.

This caravan of migrants was made up mostly of women, children and single men who accepted the dialogue and surrendered to the INM authorities, to later be transferred to the Cerro Gordo customs office, where there are windows for the issuance of cards for humanitarian reasons. .

Migrants of different nationalities walk in a caravan today, heading to the northern border in the city of Tapachula, state of Chiapas (Mexico). (EFE/Juan Manuel Blanco/)

A Central American migrant woman who was released from the Siglo 21 immigration station, a temporary stay for non-regular migrants, and who joined this caravan asked the authorities to resolve her immigration status, because, she said, “They don’t have the resources to pay for hotels or buy food.”

Meanwhile, another migrant from Venezuela indicated that they were not treated at the immigration station, however, she said that they preferred to act peacefully and decided to walk along the coastal highway in search of care.

After the caravan was dissolved, the INM delegate in Tapachula, Paola López, told the migrants that the authorities were willing to take the institution’s vehicles to transfer them to the municipality of Huixtla, to the Cerro Gordo customs office.

A caravan of Central American migrants is dissolved by Mexican immigration authorities today, in Tapachula, Chiapas state (Mexico).

A caravan of Central American migrants is dissolved by Mexican immigration authorities today, in Tapachula, Chiapas state (Mexico). (EFE/Juan Manuel Blanco/)

The 200 foreigners, from various countries, left this Thursday in a caravan to promote their regularization for humanitarian reasons and continue their route to USA.

This was the fifth caravan formed so far this year in Tapachula by people from countries such as Venezuela, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, Colombia, Honduras, Guatemala, Haiti, Nicaragua and Cuba.

This new group of people walked without registering acts of violence, unlike the first two caravans of the year, in which migrants and authorities clashed.

The other four caravans formed from January to April, the last one formed and disintegrated on Wednesday, were dissolved by the authority after the foreigners obtained agreements with the immigration entity.

A caravan of Central American migrants is dissolved by Mexican immigration authorities today, in Tapachula, Chiapas state (Mexico).

A caravan of Central American migrants is dissolved by Mexican immigration authorities today, in Tapachula, Chiapas state (Mexico). (EFE/Juan Manuel Blanco/)

Mexico deported more than 114,000 foreigners in 2021, according to data from the Migration Policy Unit of the country’s Ministry of the Interior.

In addition, Comar received a record 131,448 refugee applications in 2021. Of these petitioners, more than 51,000 are Haitians.

Mexico’s INM recently reported that between January 1 and April 13 of this year it intercepted 115,379 migrants, of which 15% were minors, mainly from Central American nations.

While in fiscal year 2022, which started on October 1, 2021, 1,060,094 migrant encounters have already been recorded on the southern US border, according to data from the Customs and Border Protection Office (CBP).

Source: Elcomercio

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