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What is known about María Esperanza, the young Venezuelan who lived in Argentina, moved to the US and died three days later

What is known about María Esperanza, the young Venezuelan who lived in Argentina, moved to the US and died three days later

What is known about María Esperanza, the young Venezuelan who lived in Argentina, moved to the US and died three days later

Maria Esperanza Diaz26 years old, had migrated to Argentina from his native country, Venezuela. She had settled in Neuquén, Argentina, with her mother and her sister. She had graduated as an accountant, with honors. She worked, she was independent, she lived alone, she had friends. She decided to look for the American dream in Charlotte, a town in North Carolina, in the United States, but after three days she was found dead in an abandoned house. The case shocks not only her family, but also Venezuela, Neuquén and the migrant community of Charlotte.

María, or Mae -as she presented herself and was called by her closest circle-, wanted to look for a future in the northern country, where he had childhood friends with whom he longed to meet again. Last week, more precisely on Friday the 22nd, he had traveled and settled in the house of María Victoria Domínguez, a friend who lived in Charlotte.

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María Esperanza Díaz had settled in the house of María Victoria Domínguez

As her sister Lidia reconstructed in an interview in UnivisionAfter talking with her sister’s friend, she and Mae decided to go out on Saturday night with two young Hispanics and acquaintances of María Victoria.

They went to a bar called Kos, but a few hours later her friend started to feel bad and went home. So far it is only known that Mae was left alone with those men; It is unknown what happened during that time.

Already on Sunday morning, as María Victoria had no news of her, she alerted the Police, who within hours found the lifeless body of the young woman in an abandoned house.

She was an accountant and had graduated with honors.

She was an accountant and had graduated with honors.

As it turned out, there was a bag of drugs next to his body, so the investigators are analyzing whether he could have died of an overdose. But her family assures that the young woman did not take drugs and asks that the truth be known.

That is why her cousin and other relatives traveled to the United States to follow the case closely. They are still awaiting the results of the toxicology reports and the autopsy.

tireless fighter

“Maria, a young Public Accounting graduate, a tireless worker and fighter in search of better opportunities like many Venezuelans, decided to travel to the United States. Just 3 days after she entered the country, on Saturday, April 23, she went out with a friend of hers. Hours later she was found lifeless in strange circumstances in a house that was not inhabited “, is the text that her family published on social networks to ask for justice.

Mae was a native of Tigre, Venezuela, and together with her sister and her mother they had decided to migrate to Argentina. They chose the province of Neuquén and there the young woman was able to perfect her studies, have friends and work.

Her family asks for the truth of what happened to Mae to be known.

Her family asks for the truth of what happened to Mae to be known.

In the country, Mae was employed in a telecommunications company, and in an oil and construction company. With that same drive, her family says, she decided to travel to the United States.

Alejandro Díaz, his brother who still lives in Venezuela, told Telemundo that they are dismayed and that they doubt that Mae has ingested drugs: “She was an exemplary girl. She graduated with honors as an accountant and in Argentina she worked as a regular. She was, like many others, in search of the American dream.

Source: Elcomercio

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