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Debanhi Escobar: What does the body language of the victim’s friends say?

The analyst Maryfer Centeno described the behavior of the friends of Debanhi Escobarwho during a television interview gave their version of the facts about the last time they saw the young woman alive.

LOOK: Debanhi Escobar: reveal images of the young woman inside the taxi that took her | VIDEO

“They are not friends, because they had just met,” the analyst begins. She points out that she met one of the young women four months ago and the other she had just met on the day of the events (April 9).

“This posture that we see is a mirror posture, we see how the feet indicate that they already want to leave. When a person already wants to leave, he will put his feet towards the exit. Why do they adopt mirror postures? Because they are the same and because they are allies, it does not mean that they are close friends, simply at this moment they are great allies.

LOOK: Taxi driver who took Debanhi Escobar breaks his silence and assures that he did not touch her

Why do Debanhi’s friends cover their faces?

“I perfectly understand the health situation that we are experiencing, however, the interviewer does not bring it. They do it to avoid being recognized and even wear glasses, which I have been told in comments that they generally do not wear glasses.

He pointed out that one of the young women hesitates more than the other and that both did not move during the interview.

“They don’t move, they are completely stiff, which indicates, in addition to tension, well, generally when a person lies down the body stiffens from the neck down, here we see how the body is totally rigid. The protective posture is because they feel threatened.”

LOOK: Debanhi Escobar’s father says that in the videos his daughter is not seen falling into the cistern of the Nueva Castilla motel

Friends “avoid” mentioning Debanhi’s name

He noted that they avoid mentioning Debanhi’s name all the time. Regarding nervousness, he said that it is not bad. “It is a normal reaction of the body to a threat.”

On whether there is a supposed “training”, the analyst said that if they really had an advisor, “I would have told them to cry

and that they come out screaming to generate empathy when what they really achieve is the opposite effect. What they achieve is to become

distant and even the great villains of history, so it definitely seems to me that they are not advised.

He also mentioned that in his story there are inconsistencies and hesitations, while body language, “there is so much tension.”

Source: Elcomercio

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