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Russia tests the launch of nuclear missiles in the midst of war with Ukraine

Russia said on Wednesday that its forces rehearsed a simulated launch of nuclear-capable missiles in the western enclave of Kaliningrad, amid its military campaign in Ukraine.

The announcement came on the 70th day of Russian military action, which has left thousands dead and more than 13 million displaced, in Europe’s worst refugee crisis since World War II.

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After sending troops to Ukraine in February, the Russian president Vladimir Putin he has made veiled threats suggesting his willingness to use his country’s tactical nuclear weapons.

On Wednesday during military games in the Baltic Sea enclave, located between Poland and Lithuania, Russia tested simulated “electronic launches” of its Iskander mobile ballistic missile system, nuclear capablethe defense ministry said in a statement.

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Russian forces practiced single and multiple attacks on targets emulating missile launch systems, airstrips, protected infrastructure, military equipment and command posts of a simulated enemyaccording to the statement.

After the “electronic” releases, military personnel carried out maneuvers to change their position seeking to avoid “a possible retaliatory attack”added the Russian ministry.

The combat units also practiced “actions in conditions of radiation and chemical contamination.

More than 100 soldiers participated in the trials.

Source: Elcomercio

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