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The US gave information to Ukraine for the bombing and sinking of the Russian flagship Moskva

USA provided intelligence information to help Ukraine to sink the missile cruiser in April Moscowthe flagship of the Russian Black Sea Fleet, US media reported Thursday.

These media, including CNN and the Washington Post and citing sources from the United States Government, indicated that Washington had no “advance notice” that kyiv was going to attack this iconic Russian ship.

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However, they recognized that USA maritime “shares information” with Ukraine to assist the country in defending itself against attacks by Russian forces, which have been launching missiles from their warships from the Black Sea towards Ukrainian territory.

USA It would have helped pinpoint the exact location of the missile cruiser to allow the Ukrainian attack, according to these sources.

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The Pentagon has not officially confirmed the US role in the sinking of the Moskva, but the close collaboration with kyiv has been acknowledged.

Ukraine It combines information that we and others offer with intelligence that they collect for themselves. And then they make their own decisions,” State Department spokesman John Kirby told a news conference.

Until now, Russia has admitted one dead and 27 missing in the sinking of the Moskvawhich Moscow attributes to a fire and the explosion of ammunition, and kyiv and the US to the impact of two Ukrainian missiles.

Ukrainian Army sources claimed that the Russian ship had been hit by two Ukrainian “Neptune” missiles. as a result of which several explosions and a fire occurred on board.

Russia he first ensured that the ship was buoyant, that the fire and ammunition explosions had been controlled, and that the crew had been evacuated to other ships in the area.

Hours later, however, the Ministry of Defense reported that the Moscow sank “in the middle of a storm while being towed to port”.

Source: Elcomercio

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