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March against abortion in Mexico City

Some 2,000 people demonstrated this Saturday in Ciudad de Mexico to demand the illegalization of abortion, which is already authorized in seven states and in 2021 was decriminalized de facto by the Supreme Court.

The Marchconvened by the Catholic Church and religious and conservative organizations, was headed by a huge banner that read “The first right is life.”

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The column, dominated by the white color worn by the protesters, advanced through the main streets of downtown Town from Mexicowhich in 2007 was a pioneer in Latin America by decriminalizing abortion before 12 weeks of pregnancy.

It is called “March for life” was announced in March by the Catholic hierarchy, which demands the repeal of the legal sections that allow the interruption of pregnancy without any condition.

“The abortion it’s not health or “Let them beat” were some of the legends raised by the protesters on printed posters.

Last week, the congress of the southern state of Guerrero was preparing to discuss and vote on a reform that decriminalizes abortion but the issue was removed from the agenda after protests by religious groups. The discussion is expected to resume on May 11.

In Mexicomade up of 32 states with their own penal codes, the abortion has been decriminalized in Town from MexicoOaxaca, Baja California, Sonora, Colima, Veracruz and Hidalgo.

In September 2021, the Supreme Court declared unconstitutional the laws that criminalize the abortionwhich authorizes it de facto throughout the country.

This ruling also allows women who reside in states where it is still sanctioned to file a legal appeal so that health institutions carry out a abortion.

In Latin America, the interruption of pregnancy is legal in Uruguay, Cuba, Argentina, Guyana and Colombia, while El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic and Haiti are the most restrictive countries since they do not allow it under any circumstances.

Source: Elcomercio

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